Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween :)

Tonight was Halloween. Paul and Lydia dressed up in awsome costumes, Dad and Mom took them through our neighborhood "trick or treating", and Grace and I shared laughs back at the house while passing out candy. It was a very enjoyable night!

Love to all--- have a wonderful evening!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear friends,

This is going to be a short, rather inarticulate post as it is late at night and I am shaking as I am so tired. But I really felt I should share this with you.

Recently, there have been several episodes of my being very frustrated and almost angry with God for things happening in my life- one of these being Grace's autism. I keep questioning "Lord, why would you allow your own child to have a sickness as permanent autism? She is now a social outcast, and is accepted far less than others who are not your children."

I was receiving only silence from my Father for some time, and then tonight, He spoke in His loving voice.

(What He said can be more understood if you know the story of Sir Thomas More from "A Man for All Seasons". In the end of this play of this great man, Sir Thomas is betrayed by a friend. The friend received a bribe for a high position in Wales. Sir Thomas More says to his friend upon the betrayal "What does it profit a man gain the whole world and lose his soul. But for Wales?")

The Lord spoke to me, asking, "Katherine. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul? But for social acceptance?"

---- The Lord convicted me of how high I had raised the "prize" of being accepted by those surrounding us. The Lord, however, values this not at all. Look at His Son. Was Jesus not alone, outcast, forgotten? Did Jesus not suffer rejection by society for us, even to death?

---How silly I am, to consider being accepted of some great value. How much more beautiful would it be if we were rejected by society, but gave all we are to Jesus, giving every breath and thought and deed to His glory.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy 20th Birthday Grace!

So this is a little late, considering Grace's birthday was the 20th of September. But I thought I should put a few pictures up anyways. Enjoy! :)

Grace and I :)

:) She has the cutest smile.

<3 him!

Happy Birthday Grace :) I love you!