Friday, April 2, 2010

Grace and me.

How can one begin writting on a blank page about something you have known your whole life, yet very few can relate?

Grace and I are sisters. At age 17, I am two years her junior.

Gracie has more knowledge than the average encylocpedia and devours any book she can get her hands on. Gracie enjoys to run for miles and miles at a time. Gracie finds the oddest things amusing and craves nothing more than for someone to sit by her and talk to her. Gracie loves to be loved.

Gracie dislikes change. She is not fond of people coming into her room, or sharing her things with other people. If she has a particular routine, dont attempt to alter it. When in a hallway full of people, Grace appears to be in her own world, and will run down the hall talking to herself. She has no social skills, and will quite often be very rude. And so, Gracie is very often misunderstood.

I am a typical teenager. I go through life attempting to please those around me. I love my family, enjoy being with friends, and am ready to jump up and go to a party at a moments notice.

Like Grace I do love to read, but not quite as much as she. Like Grace, I enjoy to run, but not nearly as much as she. Almost anything amuses me and I love conversation. Like Grace, I love to be loved.

Unlike Grace, I am flexible, social, and try to be friendly. I cringe every time I am with Grace and she angrily stomps away from someone who tries speaks to her. During those moments, I will correct her in great frustration. (This does not help at all. Grace only become more agitated, and the person to whom we were speaking then thinks me cruel for speaking to her in such a manner. And so, like Grace, my intentions are often misunderstood.)

How can I begin writting on a blank page about something I have known your whole life, yet almost no one can relate?

Grace and I are sisters. Grace and I are very similar in many ways. Grace and I are different in many ways. Although I am the younger sister, I have played the role of the older sister. With all this said, the final thing that needs to be said is this.

I love my sister Grace.


  1. That's so cool, Katherine. I'm so glad you started a blog!

  2. I'm glad you started a blog as well! And I can't wait to read about you and Grace. I miss you both so much. Tell her that I love her and that I think and pray for her constantly. I love you!

  3. You are the sweetest sister I know, Katherine. This is a precious blog. =]

  4. You are a gem, Katherine! <3
