Saturday, April 17, 2010

That Tragic Push Aside...

It is easy to get behind on schoolwork, paperwork, every day chores.. etc. Eventually you are forced to catch up however. Life requires it.

It is even easier to "get behind" on the most important relationships one has in his or her life. Often, "eventually" never comes. While life may require relationships, it seems the dearest ones get put back the most.

Sadly, this has been the state of my relationship with my sister, Grace, these past few weeks. ACT testing, Prom, extra activities.. life- while all these things consumed my life, I forgot something far more important. Although Gracie and I of course talked a bit during the past while, I wasn't the sister I should have been.

I realised this the hard way. This morning I got home from an all nighter I had been at. I went straight to my room, and Gracie was there. She looked at me right in the eyes and asked "why are you here?" I answered in frustration that it was my room and I was going to lie down for a few minutes before I had to leave again for dance class. Gracie mumbled a bit and walked away looking at the floor looking upset. A while later I was lacing my dance shoes, and she came up to me and asked, "Do you love me Katherine?"

Why is it that the most important people in our lives get pushed aside for other things? Why is it that I had pushed aside one of the best people in my life so much, that she had to ask if I loved her?

I'm scared of pushing aside my sister, someone who needs me just as I need her. She should never have to question whether or not I love her... and yet today she did. What if she has to go through that again? What is she questions, "Katherine, do you love me?"


Truthfully, I dont know how to end this post. Perhaps the best way possible is to simply answer Grace's question.

Gracie...I'm so very sorry. I do love you. And I will do anything to prove that to you.


  1. Thanks for posting, Katherine. You're posts are touching.

    Also, it was fun getting to see you at Prim. :) We cha-cha well. Haha

  2. Thanks for sharing!
    To God be the glory for all the wonderful people he puts in our lives!
    I actually don't think I've ever personally met Gracie. I could be wrong, not sure though.

  3. We all push people aside and focus on what 'we' want. Ahead of friends, God, and yes, even family. You're doing nothing that others haven't done before you.

    However, you have done something that few people do: You've noticed your mistake and you're striving to change it! I thank you for sharing this post, and I encourage you to just take a breath and know that God loves you, and so does your sister. She knows you love her. Just like I know my family loves me. However, it's always nice to hear someone say that. Especially when you haven't seen him/her in a while.

    Your sister loves you and will continue to look up to you - no matter what happens. God blessed you with her, and her with you. Remember that, follow Him and His Word, and you can't go wrong.

    God bless you, your sister, and your family.

