Saturday, June 12, 2010

Alone yet not alone...

The season has come. One can smell it, feel it, see it--- sense it.

No, I do not speak of the standard "summer, winter, fall, spring" seasons. Rather- it is open house season. And what a season it is! Cars flood the streets. Re-connections with many friends that have not been seen in some time. Delicious
food. Tears. Memories. And so much more.

Today was another day of many open houses. I found myself traveling with groups of friends from home to home- hugging, laughing, and conversing with more people than can be counted.

While I was enjoying myself at one such moment, I happened to look over at my sister Grace who was sitting alone in a rocking bench. She seemed in her own world and talking to herself, so I didn't pay much attention at first.

Things were settling down, and so my mind was drawn back to Grace who was still alone. I walked up to her and asked her what she was doing. She looked up at me, smiled, and said without a moments hesitation, "talking to Jesus of course."

Every time something like this happens, I have to stop and think. Here I had been, surrounded by friends and family and different acquaintances- laughing and having the time of my life. Subconsciously, I considered myself the superior to Grace- I being the one surrounded, and she being "alone." But considering the situation, it was quite the reverse.

Grace, while appearing alone, had been in the audience of One far greater than anyone else there. She had been with the King of Kings, and the Lord of lords. Meanwhile, I had been building up my own self, only to find myself quite alone.

There is an old hymn I once read, and while writing this blog, it came to mind. --- I cannot help but wonder if this was the place my sister Grace was, and where I should have been.

"I am alone, yet not alone,
For Thou art near:
I cannot see Thy loving face,
But I can hear
The cheering promise of Thy grace.
Thou wilt not leave me in the dark
When falls the night;
For round my path and in my soul
Thou art the Light
To guide me with Thy sweet control.
No want can steal my rich supplies
Of love and peace;
For though I lack what others hold,
My stores increase
With heavenly gifts more rare than gold.
And Thou wilt bear me all life through,
And in the end
Wilt still abide what Thou hast been,
My constant Friend,
And take me where Thy face is seen."


  1. So very true. If we truly realized what it meant to spend time in the presence of the living God who created the universe... wow.

  2. Oh Grace, there is so much we can all learn from you! Love and miss you both!
